Great news! Farm Discovery just earned the 2018 Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information. By sharing these metrics, we’re helping the sector move beyond simplistic financial ratios to assess nonprofit progress.

We hope this accomplishment inspires you to support our Spring Scholarship Drive to help make field trips and camps accessible to anyone regardless of economic status.

We chose to display quantitative metrics such as Number of free participants on field trips, and number of pounds of produce donated to represent how hard Farm Discovery is working toward achieving our mission.

We’re proud to use GuideStar Platinum to share our full and complete story with the world. To reach the Platinum level, we added extensive information to our Nonprofit Profile: basic contact and organizational information; in-depth financial information; quantitative information about goals, strategies, and progress toward our mission.

#platinumsealoftransparency #guidestar #metricsofsuccess