Anyone who has been to the farm knows this sight well. Poison Oak comes in all shapes and sizes, vines, bushes, on the ground, up a tree, on the edge of a grape trellis. . . In the winter it is hiding without the leaves we all learn to identify (lobed leaves of 3).

But did you know that this plant we love to hate is related to some that we love to love?

Poison oak is in the Anacardiaceae family, the same family as cashews and. . . wait for it. . . mangoes.

So here is an interesting takeaway. . . if you do happen to catch a case of poison oak while exploring on the farm or some glorious hike nearby, take a break from the cashews and mangoes, because eating them while you have an active rash can prolong it or make it worse.

Grab an @LiveEarthFarm apple or a hand full of sunflower or pumpkin seeds instead and then. . .

share your favorite poison oak story here.

#poisonoak #farminginnature #nativehedgerows#farmdiscovery #foodfarmsnaturecommunity