10:30am -1:30pm at Farm Discovery at Live Earth
Details & Registration: https://www.airbnb.com/experiences/215091
Come experience the season through the eyes of a farmer. Collect fresh eggs, play with our Pygmy goats, meet our pregnant milking cow, Bella. We will enjoy a guided tour or our 100 acre organic family farm and farm-based education facilities. Our farm roads meander through orchards, oak woodlands, and redwood groves with views of the Pajaro Valley. See our solar panel array, our permaculture garden and our Discovery Garden & Fields. Learn about the importance of eating seasonally and how to prepare your pantry for the upcoming season.
Each experience will include a tour and a class on how to make the most of in season crops. From canning & fermentation to salve making, classes will go over how to enjoy a season’s bounty. Take home a sample of the class’ product and enjoy light snacks while you learn! We look forward to seeing you on our organic family farm!