Dearest Friends of Farm Discovery,

For the last 12 years on the Saturday closest to the Fall Equinox we have gathered in community to feast, celebrate and honor the work of Farm Discovery and the learning, growth and positive change in our community.

On this day, we miss this event that we love and the people who make it exceptional. It is a special gathering of the families, volunteers, supporters, board members and staff who come together to recognize and lift up the work of Farm Discovery, the students and families, who build skills, establish meaningful relationships, develop their voice.

In this year unlike any other, our hearts are heavy for too many reasons. We face dynamic challenges, new and old. We are so grateful to this community who support us in meeting these challenges head on, responding with and for our community in new and evolving ways. In choosing not to gather this equinox, we are collectively holding the health of our community above all. We know that we are still a community at heart and in spirit and that this is what makes Farm Discovery strong. For that, we are so grateful to you.

With your support we can ensure that our community members most in need receive fresh, organic produce when they need it most. We can provide support for working families and their kiddos in distance learning. We can develop powerful engaging virtual lessons weaving ecology and nutrition together to support human and environmental stewardship.

At our fall feast, and during this season so many of you demonstrate the great depths of your generosity, supporting the youth and families we serve. While we can not be together today, we call to you to make your most meaningful contribution yet, the one that shows us how much Farm Discovery’s success and resilience means to you.

Many of our supporters have committed to support Farm Discovery early this year and we THANK YOU for your crucial support.

Stay tuned for a virtual feasting event in early November. We hope to have you join us for a Farm Discovery Friendsgiving and cannot wait for our next opportunity to gather in person for a Farm Discovery Fall Feast.

In gratitude and collective action,
Jessica, Lucie, Olivia and Lizzy

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