Here’s what to do as a donor:

  1. Commit to halving your DAF, and make a grant to one or more of the nonprofits you want to support. When you have your grant confirmation, complete your #HalfMyDAF commitment form with the DAF grant confirmations attached. You can use this form as many times as you’d like— just attach each DAF confirmation form. Don’t have a Google Account? Submit here.

  2. You have until September 30th to #HalfMyDAF. You can give to any nonprofit and to as many nonprofits as you’d like (but we won’t match funds granted to organizations that promote hate speech, hate crimes, or gun ownership).

  3. Have questions? Here’s a FAQ.

  4. Not sure where to donate? We have some ideas. Well, Farm Discovery of course and for some good tips on choosing reputable nonprofits, visit Where should I give?

  5. Spread the word. We’ve found that the most engaged donors are those who talk with their friends and family about the causes they’re supporting. Tell them about #HalfMyDAF: the more people who accept the challenge, the more money goes to help those in need.

#halfmyDAF form