
Thank you Thursday

{!{wpv-post-body view_template='event-info'}!}   Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing will host Thank you Thursday for Farm Discovery on their great, Westside, dog-friendly patio. $1 of every pint sold will go to Farm Discovery to support hands-on farm-based education and nutrition programs for local youth. A CALL TO ACTION!!! DRINK BEER, DO GOOD!!!!

Sow & Grow

Support the transformation of kids' relationships to food, their empowerment to become engaged citizens in our community, and the building of skills to steward the natural world. A multi-course dinner in the fields with a view of the Pajaro Valley featuring the best local, seasonal food, wine, live music, silent & live auction, and

  • Sheep to Shawl Fair lambs

Sheep to Shawl Fiber & Makers Faire

{!{wpv-post-body view_template='event-info'}!} We regret to inform you that per the County Interim Guidance for Social Distancing, effective through March 22, 2020, we have elected to cancel the March 21, 2020 Sheep to Shawl Fiber and Maker’s Faire. We would have loved to postpone the event, but due to the seasonal nature

2017 Harvest Festival

Join Farm Discovery this weekend for our annual Harvest Festival, October 21st, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm! This event is the culmination of the fall tour season, welcoming students back to the farm with their families. Open to the public, Farm Discovery celebrates the harvest with family friendly fun including apples cider pressing, visits with

Harvest Festival

This year we are partnering with Live Earth Farm to host 12 upick events for 25 cars each instead of our Harvest Festival. Join us October 17 & 18, 24 & 25 at 10, 12, or 2pm to pick apples, pumpkins and tomatoes! https://u-pick.eventbrite.com {!{wpv-post-body view_template='event-info'}!} Celebrate the Bounty of

Pumpkin Carving & Apple Pressing

The traditional Harvest Festival is cancelled for 2016 due to rain. However, you can still come by to purchase your Halloween and Thanksgiving pumpkins, buy apples, press cider, and carve pumpkins from 10am - 2pm in our Education Barn, located at 172 Litchfield Lane. Hope to see there!  

A to Zucchini Ticket Raffle

Powered by Eventbrite Add your name to our mailing list by Sunday September 20, 2015 and be entered for a chance to win 2 tickets to A to Zucchini. *We will contact you quarterly with a fun newsletter about the incredible transformations taking place on the farm. Thanks for signing up! Support the transformation of

2014 Community Farm Days & U-picks

"Love Apples galore, come and get some more!" Join us Saturday, August 30th and again on Sept 6th from 10:00am - 3:00pm to U-pick tomatoes and more! These will be great days to enjoy the farm and directly support our educational efforts, as 20% of the proceeds benefit the Live Earth Farm Discovery Program. Details: