
Virtual Supporter’s Picnic!?

We know our strength is in our beautiful space and the experiences it provides, but might you join us for a virtual picnic? . . . a concert, a farm tour, a cool drink and fresh lunch, what do you think? Take Our Survey! We really miss having kiddo's around the farm these

Planning for Summer with Farm Discovery!

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Farm Discovery wants to hear how we can support you and your family's summer plans/needs during these dynamic times. We need to know from you what would work. This survey will help us better understand what our community could use from us if Shelter-in-Place continues. Take Our Survey! We hope Shelter in Place

  • baby picks strawberries

April Farm Discovery COVID Update

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Wow, how everything has changed in a few short weeks. As I write, real and pressing concerns rear up from all sides. I find myself thinking about you, as well as the kids who are home, trying to access their learning. How are you doing? My husband and I are learning to balance work,

  • ids lugging trash bins

Wheel Out Your Neighbors Trash Bin

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I really love this idea from the random acts of kindness foundation website. ⠀ ⠀ WHEEL OUT YOUR NEIGHBOR'S TRASH BIN⠀ My house is in the woods, with a lonnnnnnng, steep driveway. The three residences on this driveway all make a bit of garbage and even more recycling, so we all have at least 2