  • #GivingTuesdayNow

Giving Tuesday Now

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Farm Discovery Responds to Urgent COVID19 Need with Fresh Organic Produce for Community Members Most in Need, Joining #GivingTuesdayNow in Global Day of Giving and Unity Watsonville, CA May5, 2020 –   Farm Discovery is responding to meet the needs of kids, youth, families, seniors and local food distribution programs  by growing and delivering

The Live Earth Farm Discovery Program Partners with the Banana Slug String Band, and the Monterey Peninsula Foundation and Joins the National #GivingTuesday Movement to Encourage Spending With a Purpose

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LEFDP Pledges to spend every dollar raised on #GivingTuesday, December 3rd, 2013 to bring kids to the farm to learn to grow and choose food that is healthy for themselves, for their community and for the environment. The Banana Slug String Band will help with a 10% discount and 10% donation on CD purchases and