
Buy and Sell on eBay for LEFDP

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You can support Live Earth Farm Discovery when you buy or sell on eBay, with the eBay Giving Works program. Here’s how: Live Earth Farm Discovery is part of the eBay Giving Works program. So, you can support our mission when you buy and sell on eBay. Here’s how: Buy You can find whatever you're looking

Live Earth Farm Discovery Program Partners with the Monterey Peninsula Foundation’s Birdies for Charity Program

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Beginning November 1st, the Live Earth Farm Discovery Program will receive a 20% match from the Monterey Peninsula Foundation for 100% of donations made through the Birdies for Charity program. All of the money raised will pay for transportation and field trip fees for 600 local, under served students to learn to eat and live

Sponsor Slice, the September 14th Fundraising Dinner in the Orchard

The apple is a powerful symbol of learning, health, and of agricultural prosperity in the Pajaro Valley. On September 14th, the Live Earth Farm Discovery Program invites you to celebrate our local farming traditions over dinner in our espaliered apple orchard. The funds raised at this event will support our education programs to instill pride