Winter season is a great time for us farm folks to maintain, grow, and plan at a slower space. Because of the colder temperatures, harvest dates are farther apart, leaving us with some much needed maintenance time. Here at Farm Discovery, our strawberries have been planted and we are working to ensure each one has the best chance for survival. This means a lot of gopher trapping and flower plucking early on. I, myself, have been on a personal gopher journey.
Harvesting some greens for the chickens!
After watching countless youtube vidoes, consulting many farm friends, and even attending a gopher workshop at the Eco-Farm conference, I have begun to successfully trap them! This is of extreme importance this time of year, because in about a month all the pregnant gophers will give birth and that means a big headache for all us farm folks! Aside from gopher hunting, we’ve been planting for Spring harvests, and planning for the next season! Winter always goes so fast, especially when the weather doesn’t feel like winter!
It seems we have hit a mini-summer this week in Santa Cruz County, with highs into the late 70s! Let’s all hope for some more winter weather and rain, because we sure haven’t gotten much this year!