Carrots are a springtime staple. And what better way to sneak in some veggies than in some carrot pancakes. It’s a great source of protein and taste almost like carrot cake. Top with yogurt or add in some nuts for some extra flavor and nutrition. Amy from YummyToddlerFood has lots of other kid friendly recipes to check out.

Click here for the recipe link and YummyToddlerFood blog

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  • 1 cup shredded carrot
  • 3 eggs
  • ½ cup applesauce
  • ½ cup plain yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup buckwheat flour or whole wheat flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ⅓ cup raisins
  • Butter or neutral oil
  • Maple syrup, nut butter, or yogurt to top as desired

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  1. Add the shredded carrot to a heat-safe bowl. Boil a kettle of water and pour hot water over shredded carrot. Let sit for 3-5 minutes. Drain carrots well and pat dry. (This softens them up nicely so that they are soft in the finished pancakes.)
  2. Stir together the carrot, eggs, applesauce, yogurt, butter, and vanilla in a medium bowl.
  3. Add in the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, and raisins, if using, and stir gently to combine.
  4. Heat a nonstick or cast iron pan or griddle over medium-heat. Add little butter, let melt, and swirl to cover pan.
  5. Cook batter, about ¼ cup at a time and spreading thinly, for about 2-3minutes per side or until set around the edges and lightly browned.
  6. Add more butter and repeat to cook the rest of the pancakes.
  7. Serve warm with maple syrup, nut butter, or yogurt, depending on your preference.

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Image of a stack of small, perfectly browned, wheat-colored, carrot pancakes sitting on a small white ceramic plate with an orange trim. The plate rests on a solid pastel pink background next to glass with an image of a two dimensional bunny face on it.