
Addressing Food Deserts in Watsonville: A Path to Healthier Communities

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Introduction To Food Deserts Watsonville, California is renowned for its fertile agricultural valley, abundant with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Despite, the the areas reputation, people of low-income still struggle to find sufficient food and accessibility to stores nearby. food deserts are areas where residents have limited access to affordable, nutritious

Hello Goodbye

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This winter the skies have been mostly cloudy, dropping rain on the earth- like a true California winter, like the ones I experienced when I first moved here a decade ago. Everything is lush. Vibrant green cloaks the mountains, and the air is fresh and full of nature’s scents. On those strong blustery

Winter Work with Wavecrest

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It has been a wet winter this year, but we can always rely on seeing our Wavecrest crew. Santa Cruz Montessori Junior High School, Wavecrest, brings their program to the farm every Thursday, and have for the past decade. They helped give birth to Farm Discovery, and they come bearing an energy of wonder

Baked Parsnip Fries!

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Parsnips are in abundance during winter months. They are sweet and nutritious but, unlike carrots, need to be cooked. Baking is a quick and easy way to make a warming winter treat from a delicious root! Ingredients: Parsnips Salt Olive Oil Seasonings (Curry is a delicious addition! ) Instructions: Preheat oven to 45o degrees. Slice